
激情四射Jonas Brothers--Sorry


激情四射Jonas Brothers--Sorry

http://images3.kenh14.vn/images/ ... _brothers-sorry.mp3
作为当今美国最受青少年喜爱的流行摇滚乐团,乔纳斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)已经成为美国青少年流行文化中最具代表性的艺人。Jonas Brothers的第三张专辑《A Little Bit Longer》在美国一上市就立刻成了唱片市场上最抢手的唱片,已连续两周高居Billboard 200榜首。在处子专辑《It's About Time》之后,Jonas Brothers离开了Columbia,加盟了日后令他们大红大紫的Hollywood,推出了第二张专辑《The Jonas Brothers》。正是从这个时候开始,由于Hollywood厂牌和迪斯尼两家之间的合作关系,The Jonas Brothers开始在迪斯尼的很多电影和娱乐节目中露面,他们在广大美国青少年心目中的地位开始不断的提高,人气急升。可以说,Jonas Brothers能够像现在这样成功跟他们的“全面发展”是密不可分的.

Jonas Brothers - Sorry

Broken hearts and last goodbyes
Restless nights and lullabies
Helps make the pain go away
I realize I let you down
Told you I'd be around
Building up the strength just to say
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
Filled with sorrow, filled with pain
Knowing that I'm the one to blame
For leaving your heart out in the rain
And I know your going to walk away
Leave me with the price to pay
Before you go I wanted to say
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
But you're already on your way
Can't make it alive on my own
But if you have to go
Then, please, girl
Just leave me alone
'Cause I dont want to see you and me
Go our separate ways
I want you to say
If it isnt too late
I'm sorry
For breaking all the promises
That I wasn't around to keep
You told me that this time
Iis the last time
That I will ever beg you to stay
   But you're already on your way
But you're already on your way
  • jyxjxno22 金币 +10 发帖辛苦啦! 2009-1-6 21:55


推荐几首Jonas Brothers 歌曲吧

第一张:Nick一个人的单没有发,但是可以下载。像Dear God 什么都是很好的。
第二张:It's about time 也有很多歌很好听,像 Mandy、Please be mine、one day at a time
第三张: Jonas Brothers 是成名专辑有SOS 、Hold On、Year 3000等等等都很好听。
第四张:A Little Bit Longer 以 Nick 的一首歌命名,Burnin'up 和 Sorry 都很受欢迎。
  • jyxjxno22 金币 +3 谢谢您的推荐 2009-1-6 21:55


楼主和一楼的都很专业啊 推荐了好多好听的歌 谢谢啊!




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