haoren888888 发表于 2008-5-27 13:47 只看TA 1楼 |
[转帖] 苹果咖喱鸡 ![]() 用料: 鸡髀3只(重约910克),苹果1个(去皮去核)切片,姜剁幼1茶匙,蒜蓉1汤匙,咖喱粉2茶匙,茄汁1汤匙。 腌料: 盐1/3茶匙,胡椒粉少许,油2汤匙。 调味: 盐半茶匙,糖半茶匙,水1杯半,鸡粉半茶匙。 芡; 粟粉2茶匙半,水2汤匙。 做法: 1、鸡髀洗净,去骨,抹干水,切厚片,加腌料腌15分钟。 2、烧热平底镬或中式镬,下油1汤匙,放下苹果炒片刻,盛起。 3、下油3汤匙,放下鸡肉炒至半熟,下姜、蒜蓉炒香,加入咖喱粉、茄汁又爆炒片刻,下味煮滚,再煮约5分钟,下苹果煮滚,埋芡上碟。煮时不要盖上镬盖,此菜汁较多较稀。 CURRY CHICKEN WITH APPLE Ingredients: 3 chicken legs, about 2 1b; 1 apple, skinned and cored, then sliced; 1 tsp chopped ginger; 1 tbsp minced garlic; 2 tsp curry powder; 1 tbsp tomato sauce Marinade: 1/3 tsp salt; dash of pepper; 2 tbsp oil Seasoning: 1/2 tsp salt;1/2 tsp sugar; 11/2 cups water; 1/2 tsp chicken powder Thickening: 21/2 tsp cornflour; 2 tbsp water Method: 1.Wash and remove bones of chicken legs: Wipe and cut into thick pieces. Marinate for 15 minutes. 2.Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in frying pan or wok. Stir-fry apple for a while. Dish. 3.Stir-fry chicken with 3 tbsp of oil until partially cooked. Add in ginger and garlic. Then fry slightly. Then saute in curry powder and tomato sauce. Add in seasoning and bring to boil. Then cook for further 5 minutes, uncovered. Add in apple and bring to boil. Pour in thickening. Dish up. |
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