himura_kenshin 发表于 2009-11-8 16:37 只看TA 1楼 |
欧美摇滚推荐之二:Soul Meets Body——格莱美最佳独立摇滚提名歌曲 ![]() Soul Meets Body,来自美国知名独立摇滚乐队Death Cab For Cutie在05年的专辑Plan,该专辑曾获格莱美年度最佳独立摇滚专辑提名。 Death Cab For Cutie是签约于小厂牌Barsuk的独立乐队,成立于1997年。 国外多如牛毛的小厂牌乐队在国内知名度通常都不大,像Mojave3这样的实在是凤毛麟角(Mojave3其实就是非主流中的主流了),歌曲质量也参差不齐都挺不错。Death Cab For Cutie也因为是小厂牌,所以他们的曲风通常都带有一种特立独行的纯洁感,这似乎是小厂牌或者说独立制作人的通性。 从最初的默默无闻到最后格莱美颁奖大厅,Death Cab For Cutie终于出人头地,不知这其中付出了多少汗水。 听大牌好比喝茅台,大家都喜欢喝,而小厂牌就有如品尝不知名的家酿土烧,个人喜好不同,但酒香不怕巷子深。 ![]() 我个人比较喜欢英美摇滚乐,偏好是曲风轻松的民谣、乡村、英伦和独立摇滚。这样的歌听起来比较轻松也有活力,也比流行乐要耐听很多,而且英文的摇滚乐世界实在是太庞大了,很多偶尔听到的好歌最后都会发现是国外已经流行好几年的老歌。 于是想在这里也和大家分享一些我喜欢听的好歌,丰富一下同好们的业余生活,喜欢的就多支持鼓励吧!! 哦,差点忘了下载地址: http://iplord.com/mp3/02-death_cab_for_cutie-soul_meets_body.mp3 [ 本帖最后由 himura_kenshin 于 2009-11-8 16:39 编辑 ] |
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jimmorrison 发表于 2009-11-8 17:11 只看TA 2楼 |
很久没听独立摇滚的曲风了,电子音乐点缀的不错。 |
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季默 发表于 2009-11-10 18:52 只看TA 4楼 |
不错啊,节奏旋律都很好。 附一下歌词: i want to live where soul meets body and let the sun wrap its arms around me and bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing and feel, feel what its like to be new cause in my head there a greyhound station where i send my thoughts to far off destinations so they may have a chance of finding a place where they're far more suited than here i cannot guess what we'll discover we turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels but i know our filthy hand can wash one another and not one speck will remain i do believe it's true that there are roads left in both of our shoes if the silence takes you then i hope it takes me too so brown eyes i hold you near cause you're the only song i want to hear a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere where soul meets body where soul meets body where soul meets body i do believe it's true that there are roads left in both of our shoes if the silence takes you then i hope it takes me too so brown eyes i hold you near cause you're the only song i want to hear a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere |
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bernietong 发表于 2009-11-10 23:40 只看TA 7楼 |
赞 这首歌在我IPC里都放了有快3年了 的确不错 |
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