[table=98%,#dcdcdc] |
[table=98%,#ffffff] | Kiedy Tylko Spojrz -----Sylwia Grzeszczak | 波兰创作才女,钢琴家Sylwia Grzeszczak 联手演奏团体 Sound'n'Grace 一曲荡气回肠超赞新单Kiedy tylko spojrz,气势磅礴,唯美震撼!优美的旋律和极具穿透力的吟唱牵引下,会深深的感染了你的内心深处….
歌曲:Kiedy Tylko Spojrz
歌手:Sylwia Grzeszczak
When I Just take a Look
I already know
When I just take a look
In your eyes, there is everything, I'm searching for
A universe of which we are
A part of today and
In the seas of fleeting days
An island, that's you and I
There's still something
Something more conceals your gaze
In these eyes, for everyday reality I'll find a weapon
I already know
When I just take a look
That these eyes hold the key to our home
In which we'll hide
Which can be here or there
Where the wind will carry us
Anywhere, where there is you and I
There's still something
Something more conceals your gaze
In these eyes, for everyday reality I'll find a weapon
本帖最后由 ymkmmmia 于 2015-7-11 03:36 编辑 ]