Evanescence的四位成员都来自美国阿肯萨斯州,主唱艾咪(Amy Lee)无疑是其灵魂人物。该乐队被誉为“女版林肯公园”的冠军主打曲“Bring Me To Life”不但出自她的手笔,连MV的拍摄设想都是艾咪一手炮制的。 试听 How can you see into my eyes like open doors? / 你凝视我的眼神,怎么像在推一道道门? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb / 它们会把你引向我灵魂最深处,那里的我早已变得麻木 Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold / 没有了魂,我的灵在某个角落里正睡得冰冷 Until you find it there and lead it back home / 等你找到它,请把它领回家 (Wake me up) /(唤醒我) Wake me up inside / 唤醒我心灵 (I can't wake up) /(我醒不过来) Wake me up inside / 唤醒我心灵 (Save me) /(救救我) Call my name and save me from the dark / 呼唤我,快救我走出黑暗 (Wake me up) /(唤醒我) Bid my blood to run / 命我血循环 (I can't wake up) /(我醒不过来) Before I come undone / 在我毁灭前 (Save me) /(救救我) Save me from the nothing I've become / 救救我,别任我化为虚无 Now that I know what I'm without / 既然我知道自己少了什么 You can't just leave me / 你就不可以离开我 Breathe into me and make me real / 给我口呼吸,令我有知觉 Bring me to life / 让我活过来 (Wake me up) /(唤醒我) Wake me up inside / 唤醒我心灵 (I can't wake up) /(我醒不过来) Wake me up inside / 唤醒我心灵 (Save me) /(救救我) Call my name and save me from the dark / 呼唤我,快救我走出黑暗 (Wake me up) /(唤醒我) Bid my blood to run / 命我血循环 (I can't wake up) /(我醒不过来) Before I come undone / 在我毁灭前 (Save me) /(救救我) Save me from the nothing I've become / 救救我,别任我化为虚无 (I've been living a lie) /(我一直活得很假) (There's nothing inside) /(就好似行尸走肉) Bring me to life / 让我活过来 Frozen inside without your touch / 解我枷锁,需要你的触摸 Without your love, darling / 需要你的爱,亲爱的 Only you are the life among the dead / 只有你能让人起死回生 (All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see) /(时时刻刻,我不相信,我看不见) (Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) /(你身陷黑暗,可又确实就在我眼前) I've been sleeping a 1000 years it seems / 我似乎已昏睡了整整一千年 Got to open my eyes to everything / 该睁开眼看一看这人世间 (Without thought, without voice, without a soul) /(没有思想,没有声音,没有魂魄) (Don't let me die here) /(别让我死在这里) (There must be something wrong) /(一定是哪里出了差错) Bring me to life / 让我活过来 (Wake me up) /(唤醒我) Wake me up insid 点击下载