will19930728 发表于 2019-1-14 21:21 只看TA 1楼 |
prostitutes or wife? Some people address their demand with prostitute, but others think it is more interesting that to find someone's wife to have fun. What is your opinion.I think it will be more fun and feeling of achievement when play with wife. Not only they are more convenient and safety than prostitutes, but also there is a feeling of accomplishment.What do you guys think ? |
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prostitutes or wife? |
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andrew16 发表于 2019-3-19 17:35 只看TA 2楼 |
depends on individual, some wife are great with sex. unless you have some extra ordinary desire. then maybe you can get prostitute to do it |
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ehehehe95 发表于 2020-4-29 00:57 只看TA 3楼 |
I havent got married yet, but Im sure it would be much better to be with wife. maybe you can just go out try something new out, but it's only for money |
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byjfwyzsm 发表于 2023-2-10 07:57 只看TA 4楼 |
i know many people live in china they are really want to have sex with Chinese wife.after i saw the pronwebsite,i have a newidea toshare mywife to theforeign people even i don't thinkthey're notbehave good.my wife blame me because I'm too Short to please her.so I just wondering if I could find a guy who want to fuck Chinese wife. |
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